How to Care for Your Iron
Good tools are key to successful projects! The tools you have can only work to the best of their ability if they are properly maintained. Today we’d like to share a few tips to help you care for your iron.
Let’s start with acknowledging that there are many ways to go about this and today’s tips are pretty general. The first step should always be to review the owner’s manual that came with your particular iron to make sure you are safely cleaning it.
Choose distilled water over tap for filling the water reservoir when steam is required. Tap water, sourced from your backyard groundwater well or the city system, may contain minerals that will clog the vents. Clogged vents result in an iron that sputters and can leave rusty water stains on your fabric.
The meta plate that heats for pressing fabric is called the sole plate. There are a few ways to clean this part of your iron. One way is to turn the iron on to a cotton setting and iron a dryer sheet. Alternatively, you could bunch up the dryer sheet, make sure your hand is protected with an oven mitt or heat resistant glove, then scrub the sole plate. Consider also mixing water and baking soda to make a paste, then using a rag, cotton swab, or toothbrush to scrub the paste on the cool sole plate.
We do carry Iron-On Hot Iron Cleaner, made specifically for removing starch residue and fusible interfacing residue.
Filling the water tank with distilled water was one of the first actions we mentioned, but it doesn’t end there. It is important to empty the water tank between uses to prevent algae growth and the formation of rust spots. You may want to consider using an Iron Storage Case to protect it from dust and scratches, just make sure the iron has completely cooled!
Make a plan to give your iron a little TLC each month. A little time and attention now means you’ll have more time to spend sewing!