Miss Josie
Panel approx 24"x 44"Frame....¼ yd6 fat quartersBackground....½ ydBinding....½ yd Size: 45"x65"
Panel approx 24"x 44"Frame....¼ yd6 fat quartersBackground....½ ydBinding....½ yd Size: 45"x65"
Theme....1½ yd2 Contrast....1½ yd eachBinding....⅝ yd Size: 52"x79"
6 Fat Quarters themesContrast....¼ ydBackground....⅝ ydBinding....½ yd Quilt Size: 42" x 53"
4 Light fat quarters3 Dark fat quarters6 Medium fat quartersBinding....⅝ yd Finished Size: 51" x 68"
5 Fat QuartersBackground....1¼ ydBinding....½ yd Finished Size: 44" x 64"
12 Fat QuartersBackground....1 ydBinding....⅝ yd Size: 54" x 72"
Theme....¾ yd or Border Stripe....1⅜ yd6 Fat Quarters (non-directional)Contrast....¾ ydBinding....½ yd Size: 48" x 64"
Theme....1 yd or panel of 30 6½" squaresBackground....1¼ yd⅛ yd each of 8 colors or ¾ of oneBinding....½ yd Finished Size: 44" x 52"
7 Light Fat Quarters7 Dark Fat QuartersBinding....⅝ yd Finished Size: 54" x 69"
8 Fat Quarters or 15 Fat EighthsContrast....⅜ ydBinding....½ yd Quilt Size: 45" x 54"
(20) 2½" print strips1⅝ yd of 2 backgrounds or ⅞ yd of 4 backgroundsBinding: ⅝ yd Finished Size: 58" x 76"
Ombre....2⅛ ydTheme....1⅝ ydBinding....⅝ yd Finished Size: 60" x 72"
8 fat quartersLight grey & dark pink: ⅛ yard or fat eighthBackground: 1¼ yardsBinding....½ yd Finished Size: 45" x 45"
8 Fat Sixths 12"x 21" or 16 10" squaresSpacers....½ ydBinding....½ yd Quilt Measures 38" x 47"
Panel - approx. 24”x40” Star Centers - ¼ yd Star Points - ⅜ yd Contrast Borders - 1 ydBackground Borders - 3 ydBinding - ¾ yd Quilt size: 62" x 80"
5 Fat QuartersBackground - 1 yd (Optional Border - 1¼ yd)Binding - ½ (⅝) yd Quilt Size: 41"x 57" (52"x 68" with optional border)
Border Stripe with 4 repeats or Theme fabric - 2 ydSquares - ⅝ ydCenter Rail - ⅜ ydSide Rails - ⅜ ydBinding - ⅝ yd Quilt Size: 54" x 71"
6 Fat QuartersSpacer Fabric - ¾ ydSashing Between Rows - ½ ydBinding - ½ yd Quilt Size: 43"x56"
2 sets of 40 - 5" Squares or 20 - 5"x 22" StripsLattice and Border Fabric - 2 ydBinding - ½ yd Quilt Size: 52" x 64"
Quilting Renditions - Gems - A Fat Quarter Friendly Pieced Quilt Pattern by Kari Nichols 4 sixe options
Quilting Renditions - Stacks and Stripes - A 10" Square Friendly Pieced Quilt Pattern by Kari Nichols 3 size options
Quilting Renditions - Xit - An Intermediate Pieced Quilt Pattern by Kari Nichols 4 size options
Sidelights Pattern by Mountainpeek Creations Pattern # 302 Designed by Kari Nichols